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New Release - THE AUDIOBOOK IS FINALLY LIVE! - New Release

2nd Edition
EVERYBODY Loves This Book!

Available HERE and at
MyStore.com and Amazon
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So many miracles I filled a book - then I added 5 more.
-- Re-titled and expanded 2nd edition of Everyday, God. --
Jaw-dropping, Death-Defying, Amusing, Poignant - Touches all Areas of Life
Now holds 36 astounding miracles accomplished for one ordinary person.
It's proof God wants to be powerful in your everyday life...
And how to let Him.

"I laughed, I cried...I loved it."
"Impossible to put down."
"With every turned page I felt closer to God."
“I had to stop after each miracle to pray and cry -- to praise God for things He's done for me.”
This book is absolutely perfect..well-written, very inspirational, and can change your life for the better. It would make a great gift.
Excerpts from Reviews

Stop Sickness in its Tracks with
Head-Smacking Revelations
of God's Will
Stop Sickness in its Tracks with Head-Smacking Revelations of God's Will
The Head-Smacker Series - Book One
Break through the veil that hides Truth.
Determine if you have beliefs that run counter to what God says about you.
Un-learn erroneous teachings that lurk behind our inability to receive.
Identify numerous assumptions Christians have fallen into, that cloud our perception of God’s intentions toward us.
Uncover the chain-breaking truth about Timothy’s infirmities, Paul’s thorn, Jesus’ failure to heal in Nazareth and other common teachings.
Learn how what you believe about sin may be keeping you sick.
Discover mind-renewing truths, hidden for centuries by the “traditions of men.”
Learn how and why you can have a future free of sickness and disease.
Audio Clip from Disarming Deadly Doctrines
Also available on Amazon
Highly Anticipated Works in Progress
The Head-Smacker Series
Debunking Deceptive Doctrines
​Doctrines of Demons
Study Guides
How Many Miracles is One Kid Allowed?

About the Author

Kemala circled the globe a few times with her ship’s captain husband and their son, before landing on a tiny island off the west coast of Canada – quite a change from back home in Georgia. Raised in the Southern Baptist church, then gaining Pentecostal in-laws, Kemala observed truth and contradictions at work in both denominations. So she determined to believe only God’s Word, not Man’s. That decision brought an awakening to scriptural truth, which she shares with you now through her books and blog.
Just so you know, Kemala is pronounced with the same cadence as Pamela.