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Be Positive Blog
I don't know what blood type Jesus is, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's Positive!
Jesus' blood positively has you covered - cleansed, protected, righteous.
- Discover how to be positive you're walking in God's Will for your life.
Be positive about what you believe - certain, unwavering and able to back it up with multiple scriptural proofs.
Trusting God assures you can keep a positive outlook regardless of circumstances.
Be Positive!

Kemala B. Tribe
Oct 4, 20243 min read
Doing Our Part Trump is not our savior - he's just a tool God is using to save us. Do your part. Be a tool...

Kemala B. Tribe
Sep 11, 20242 min read
Never Forget
Do you remember your first thought when you heard of or saw the horror of 9/11? I never used to have the television on in the daytime,...

Kemala B. Tribe
Sep 10, 20244 min read
The Only Thing You Need to Know About Politics - Part 3
I've said twice now that it is our sacred duty -- yes that means YOUR sacred duty -- to be actively involved in our nation's governance....

Kemala B. Tribe
Sep 9, 20242 min read
The Only Thing You Need to Know About Politics - Part 2
Remember my bold statement: The only thing you need to know about politics is that it is your sacred duty to be actively involved. That...

Kemala B. Tribe
Jul 29, 20241 min read
Swiftly Dealing with the Enemy -What You Haven't Heard About the Olympics Opening Day in Paris
An unscheduled post in response to breaking news. Not only did the Olympic Committee make a mockery of the Lord's Supper - the first New...

Kemala B. Tribe
Jul 29, 20244 min read
The Only Thing You Need to Know About Politics
Here is the one thing you must know, as a Christian, about politics/government: It is your sacred duty to be actively involved! Does that...

Kemala B. Tribe
Apr 29, 20242 min read
This Day, 417 Years Ago...Why We Should Celebrate April 29
April 29 is a big day in American history. It's not going to pop up on your digital calendar, there are no greeting cards in its honor,...

Kemala B. Tribe
Aug 3, 20215 min read
What Are You Afraid Of?
At this moment, my brother is in ICU with covid pneumonia. Does that make me fear covid? No. One nephew, his wife and a niece's husband...

Kemala B. Tribe
Apr 8, 20217 min read
Prophesying Prophecy
I have been silent for a while -- not because I have nothing to say, but because I have so much to say I can't get it out. So I'm going...

Kemala B. Tribe
Jan 19, 20215 min read
This is America
A forwarded email my late husband sent me back in 2010 crossed my screen again. I have no idea who the original author was, but it stated...

Kemala B. Tribe
Dec 8, 20205 min read
The Great Christmas Date Debate
Republishing with a few edits, for this year...enjoy. Many people hold a rather derisive view of Christmas these days. First, there's the...

Kemala B. Tribe
Nov 18, 20204 min read
DANGER, Will Robinson!
I want to share a verse with you today from Revelation, so obviously it refers to the end times. In fact, it refers to today, whether we...

Kemala B. Tribe
Nov 3, 20203 min read
Where Would We Be? + November polling question
Can you imagine a world in which graduates of, let's say MIT, were expected to use only what they were taught in school -- no use of...

Kemala B. Tribe
Oct 27, 20205 min read
What Made Jesus Angry? Response to September's Poll Question
Anger displayed by the only perfect human has proven to be a very engaging subject. What incident comes to mind when you think of Jesus...

Kemala B. Tribe
Sep 29, 20205 min read
How Important is the Word?
Since I started writing my first Christian non-fiction book, God has been revealing so clearly to me the importance of the scriptures. ...

Kemala B. Tribe
Aug 31, 20202 min read
Just Say the Word
Seven reasons we are to speak God’s Word aloud: 1. Faith comes by hearing… (Romans 10:17). When you speak it, you hear it. Simple. 2. God...
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