The Only Thing You Need to Know About Politics
Here is the one thing you must know, as a Christian, about politics/government:
It is your sacred duty to be actively involved!
Does that shock you? I will prove it to you.
And what do I mean by active involvement? For some, it is as simple as informed, prayerful voting. For another, it may be running for office or participating in a political action group. That's between you and God.
I'm here to talk about what is required by God of us all as believers.
It is foundational that you understand the reasons behind this bold assertion of sacred duty. When you read Part 2, you just may get excited at the prospect of engaging in our governance. There's no better cure for the feelings of hopelessness or helplessness than involvement. So let us begin...
Pastors have, for 70 years, lived in fear of losing their churches' tax exemptions if they preach on or engage in anything political. After all, the prohibition makes sense when you consider that the church is supposed to stay out of the state's business, right?
These misconceptions are the underpinning of decades of sermons against political involvement. "Stay out of politics -- it's a dirty business and Christians shouldn't be involved in all that corruption."
What are the result of these 70 years of the Church's arm's legnth stance? I think we can all agree it has brought dire consequences. We're not in Mayberry anymore.
We've sat back and observed the progression of cultural decay brought about by the leaders we've allowed to be elected, and the legislation they've enacted--and we've done nothing. We have been taught to avoid getting involved in our own government! How much sense does that make? Think about it. What does "We the People" mean, after all?
And as for politics being a dirty business, wouldn't it be a lot cleaner if the halls of government and justice were walked by a lot more people carrying their crosses, whose feet are fitted with the preparation of the gospel of peace?
So first, let's straighten out the two prevalent fallacies that have induced the church's long silence.
This is the lie of the century. Give no credence to Rob Reiner--his ignorance of basic US Civics betrays him in his latest Christianity- and patriotism-bashing movie. And it's no matter that this lie is perpetuated in some universities by liberal professors--so are many other erroneous ideas.
This well-known phrase, and the current premise behind it, are nowhere to be found in the Constitution or any other founding document.
The phrase "separation of church and state" was first penned by Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to the Baptist Association of Danbury, Connecticut. He wrote to assure them, in response to their inquiry, that the new government could not meddle in the affairs of the church--not that the church could not be involved in the political arena. And what year did he write this letter? 1802. What year was the Constitution written? Fifteen years prior, in 1787. So how could it be in the Constitution, as Rob Reiner and many others declare?
As to the phrase's meaning, simple common sense proves it has been twisted by those who hate the principles this nation was founded on:
Why did the early settlers -- Jamestown inhabitants, the Pilgrims, etc... -- come here? We all know it was primarily in search of religious freedom. King George III and other European monarchs decided how all their citizens would worship, and who. That disallowed individuals worshiping according to their own conscience. This restriction was so heinous to some, that they risked their lives and those of their families to set sail in search of freedom to worship according to their own beliefs.
They came to get the government out of their religion! Jefferson even said, “It is to secure these rights that we resort to government at all.” The Founders banning people of faith from government is a laughable viewpoint in its theory, but tragic is its results.
This is the legislation that, in 1954, struck fear in the heart of pastors nationwide. However, it isn't nearly as restrictive as people seem to think it is. The IRS website states a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization such as a church is one which:
"does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office."
You can support or oppose ISSUES, just not individual candidates. You can host candidate forums, hold voter registration drives, even educate congregants about the differences between parties. The liberal NPR states on its website:
The law is fairly narrow in scope. Nonpartisan voter education activities and church- organized voter registration drives are legal. Pastors are free to preach on social and political issues of concern. Churches can publish "issue guides" for voters.
Overtly endorsing or denigrating specific candidates is the only thing forbidden by the Johnson Amendment. We've been attributing much more power to it than it has. Does that remind you of anyone...the one who roams around seeking "whom he MAY devour?" These fallacies are just more of his deceptions.
Having disproven these widely accepted views of the Separation of Church and State and the Johnson Amendment, it is obvious they were promulgated to discourage Christians from influencing our laws and therefore our culture. We can now look at what God says about the Church's involvement in politics. It's a surprise! Part 2 is going to be fun.