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Be Positive Blog

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I don't know what blood type Jesus is, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's Positive!

  • You are positively covered by Jesus' Blood - cleansed, protected, righteous. 

  • You can be positive you're standing in God's Will for your life. 
  • Be positive about what you believe - certain, unwavering and able to back it up with multiple scriptural proofs. 

  • Trusting God assures you can keep a positive outlook regardless of circumstances. 

Doing Our Part

Writer's picture: Kemala B. TribeKemala B. Tribe

Trump is not our savior - he's just a tool God is using to save us. Do your part. Be a tool and VOTE! Yes, I'm being funny, but the fact is,  your single vote is necessary. Most are not aware that in the 90's there was a vote on a balanced budget proposal that lost by ONE vote. An ancestor of mine lost a campaign by One vote - and it was his daughter's vote, whom he had convinced to vote even if she was voting against him. That's how important it is to vote - it's a sacred duty. And that's how important every single ballot is. Vote and take people with  you to the polls. 

:This also has to be said:

Vote Biblical values and talk to others about voting Biblically. What do I mean by that? Vote the way God would vote. What matters most to God? He tells us in scripture.

Life - He IS life, gives life, it's His power - when he blesses you He's giving life (to your body, your finances, your relationships, etc) - and abortion is the opposite - I agree with "My body, my choice" but that's not your body growing in your womb - different DNA, different spirit.

Israel - the apple of His eye - He blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who curse her. He instructs us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Borders - God is big on borders. He divided land between Abraham and Lot, He delineated the areas of Israel - even today you can drive there and Israelis will point to one side of the road and tell you that its Boaz's land and point another direction and tell you who God gave that land to. He set land apart for the nations. He invented sovereignty.

Protection - God wants to protect us, and He will. But He gave US dominion over the earth and can only do what we invite Him to do. We are His co-laborers - co-laboring: we must do more than pray, we must vote and work to get out the vote. We must work at the polls and in the legislature for secure elections. We must take back our school boards, city councils, county commissions - and it's going to be ugly. It's so hard to be attacked constantly. But as a friend who's facing great opposition says, put on the Armor of God every day. What the Left doesn't know, is that God is in covenant with this nation. We have the advantage.

1670, Robert Hunt , upon landing at Cape Henry and using beams of the ship to build a huge cross:

"We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled."

Then came the Mayflower Compact and many times since then our leaders have covenanted with God over this nation. From this nation, the Gospel has gone out to the world, more than from any other country on earth. Israel was created because God loved His people. The US was created because we, the people, loved God.

Covenant is an everlasting thing - it's much more than just a contract.

Covenants cannot be broken - even if they are dishonored they are never voided. And they're the only kind of "contract" God enters into. America is being saved. We need to hold up our side of the covenant -- dedication to God, raising Godly generations, and spreading the Gospel.


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