We have a lot of wrong beliefs – unscriptural beliefs. If you grew up in church, as I did, and you’re saved and know it, it’s hard to understand that there’s a lot that we believe that is incorrect. So I challenge you to look at the Bible with new eyes, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you where you’ve misunderstood or been taught erroneously. It doesn’t matter whether you’re brand new to the scriptures or have a Doctorate in Theology, I guarantee there is something you’re believing that God wants to correct. Over the last few years He has really changed my perspectives as I’ve focused on the Word. It’s been a blast! He loves to answer our questions.
The word repent doesn't really mean berating ourselves for something we did wrong and begging forgiveness. It simply means to change your mind, and particularly toward, or about, God. The call to repentance is not a one-time thing. As we learn new-to-us things about God, renewing our mindsto the Word, suddenly our opinion of God gets even better and we give Him more glory. This use of the word glory means simply a good opinion. In Christianese: through revelation He is exalted and magnified in your eyes, and that also leads you to repentance.
We humans have gotten it wrong from page one – literally, page one – Genesis. And I don’t mean Adam and Eve, I mean you and me. God said, You shall surely die,” according to King James, referring to the choice to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But the First Couple didn’t drop dead at the base of the tree, so we think that what God says and what God means is two different things. We carry that mindset into the entirety of our Christian walk, our reading of the entire Bible, our understanding of the things of God. Then we have to come up with explanations for what God means throughout the Bible, and so we have religion instead of relationship.
Our explanation regarding why God didn’t bury Adam and Eve that day? He must have meant spiritual death. That’s what most of us were taught. It makes sense, right? Sure, if by spiritual death you mean meeting them in the garden as usual, carrying on a conversation with them, killing substitutionary animals to pay for their sin, making clothes for them, and NOT being angry with them. Yes, sin separated them from God - a definition of spiritual death. My point is, God still loved them, communicated with them, cared for them, even in their sin. But the misconceptions we are saturated in from Genesis alone, have made us fearful, sick, broke, ineffective Christians.
That has to change. This whole “pandemic” thing has brought a lot of unscriptural beliefs to the surface. We have to start believing the Word. If we don't, we will not believe and walk in the protection God wants to provide.
So what DID God mean when He said, “Surely you shall die”? The Hebrew text says, “Dying, you shall die.” God said exactly what He meant. No longer were Adam and Eve immortal in their bodies of flesh.
Sin came into the world through one man, and his sin brought
death with it… – Romans 5:12 GNT
What does the word dying make you think of? Disease? Aging? Decay? Yep, that’s what their sin brought into the world and it eventually killed them. It’s not just true for Adam and Eve, it’s true for us today. From Eden to ICU or the nursing home – that sums up the results of believing the lies of the enemy, as Adam and Eve did. We live so far below what God wants for us (in this world) because we believe the lies. “Did God really say…” YES HE REALLY SAID WHAT HE SAID AND HE MEANT IT! Dying, you shall die. Because God cursed us? No. God simply stated the results that would come of bad decisions.
But then Jesus came! He took back the keys, meaning He bought back our dominion over the earth and redeemed us from the law of sin and death. If we don’t have sin and death anymore, what do we have? Remission of sin and life in abundance -- if you believe the Word. You cannot live like the world, believing whatever you hear, exalting the word of the media over the Word of God, drinking the Kool-Aid instead of Living Water, and have abundant life.
That one erroneous belief – God didn’t really mean they’d die – has colored our beliefs about sickness and disease – its source and God’ will toward it. And it’s tainted every Bible verse we’ve ever read, because we are not fully persuaded that His word is always true. Until we believe right we won’t live right and we won’t be able to receive the promises and abundant life.
LIE: We’re on our own.
Truth: The Lord your God is in your midst – Zeph 3
LIE: This is God’s judgement.
TRUTH: So have I sworn that I will not be angry with you nor will I rebuke you. – Is 54:9
LIE: Keep your distance.
TRUTH: They will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover. – Mark 16:18
LIE: Singing will spread the virus (a ridiculously obvious lie of satan).
TRUTH: For it is good to sing praises to our God. – Ps 147
LIE: Best follow the government guidelines
TRUTH: Don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.- James 1:22;…not neglecting to meet together, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. – Hebrews 10:24-25
LIE: These are scary times.
TRUTH: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9; whoever fears has not been perfected in love.- 1 Jn 4:18
LIE: It’s a pandemic! Millions will die!
Jesus saved you. Romans 8:2 says, “because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” There is NO reason to fear because God means what He says. Death (sickness and disease are incipient death) entered the world through sin. Jesus dealt with the sin issue for you. The root of all illness has been dealt with. If there’s no root, there can be no fruit. This is what it means to be redeemed from the curse.
Ask me, and I will do whatever you ask. This way the Son
will bring honor to the Father.– John 14:13 CEV
God will do ANYTHING you believe Him for. So do you believe Him? Stop living in fear. Fear (anything not of faith) is sin (Romans 14:23). He’s the God of angel armies -- what have you to be afraid of? Fear dies when you receive His love and believe God’s Word, and God CANNOT lie. Faith comes by hearing, not by having heard – get back into the Word and be set free from fear.
By the way – I said that God wasn’t angry with Adam and Eve, and that probably surprised a few people. He didn’t kick them out of the garden because He was punishing them. He barred the way to the garden because had they then eaten of the Tree of Life they would have lived forever in that decaying, sinful state. Everything God does is for our benefi.