How many sleepless nights have you spent pondering this question, even wondering how in the world you could figure it out? I think most of us have spent a considerable amount of time on this subject. I am ALL ABOUT hearing directly from God or receiving a word through another’s prophetic prayer. It’s exciting! But what is the vehicle God uses MOST to make His will known and to guide us? It’s His Word. He reveals His will clearly in scripture, and it applies to YOU.
Acts 10:34 – God is no respecter of persons
Job 34:19 - God does not favor rich over poor – we are all the work of His hands
Romans 2:1 – God does not show favoritism
James 2:9 – if you show favoritism, you sin
So, it is established in the Word that when God states that His will is _________, it doesn’t just mean it was His will for Jonah, or the leper or whoever Paul was writing to. There’s a lesson and instruction there for you. The Bible is talking to YOU.
Next, know that His will for you is good, never bad. Never.
Jeremiah 29:11 – His plans for you: to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you
hope and a future
So there’s no reason to avoid His will. Therefore, first and foremost, fulfill this:
Hebrews 13:7 AMPC… leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness).
Twenty or so years ago there was a popular acronym – FROG - Fully Rely on God. Lots of frog keychains were sold in Christian bookstores. But that’s what God wants from us – to fully rely on Him in our everyday lives, for the big things and the small. That’s His will for you. What else?
This list is taken directly from scriptures that contain “for this is the will of God for you” or the equivalent (1 Thessalonians 5:15-18, 4:3-8, 1 Peter 2:15):
· don’t repay evil with evil
· seek good for each other (both brethren and unbelievers)
· always rejoice
· pray without ceasing
· give thanks in every circumstance (note it’s not FOR every circumstance)
· do not quench the Spirit
· do not despise the prophetic
· examine everything and hold onto what is good
· abstain from every form of evil
· be sanctified (set apart for God)
· stay away from sexual sin (or else you are rejecting God)
· mind your own business
· work with your hands
· do good and thereby silence the ignorant talk of foolish people who accuse you
· live in freedom, but not licentiously – as God’s servant
· show proper respect to everyone
· love the family of believers
· reverence God
· honor your governors
And now, of course,
…offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. - Rom 12:2 NIV
This is God’s Will for YOU.